Donate to Parenting with Dignity™

Help America's kids
If not you, who will?
There are numerous ways of asking people for money, and none of them are easy. But if your mission is important and you have a special feeling for the people you ask... well, that helps a lot. We need your help to spread this message across America. Fundraising is the most difficult aspect of any charitable endeavor. Yet, it is the most critical component of achieving the ultimate goal of our mission – making the world a better place for kids.
The Parenting With Dignity® curriculum presents effective techniques for raising responsible, independent children. PWD advocates permitting children to make some of their own decisions, and to experience the consequences early on, so that they can act responsibly when alone, and become more independent when they grow older.
Together, we can help prevent child abuse
PWD teaches parents and caregivers to rethink their approach to discipline, punishment and empowerment. Fundamental to the Parenting With Dignity curriculum is a focus on developing parenting skills that help to address many of the child abuse causes perpetrated by inexperienced and unprepared parents.
No person aspires to be an abuser of children, and few parents or caregivers intentionally abuse their children. However, it is estimated that more than 2,000 children died nationwide in 2001 as a result of abuse or neglect. Five to six children die each day as a result of child abuse or neglect and approximately 84 percent were abused by a parent. Although there are a multitude of government and private treatment services available for abused or maltreated children, not enough is being done to prevent child abuse before it occurs. The Parenting With Dignity curriculum offers a very practical and workable prevention solution.
PWD instruction can help to create recognition recognition in parents of reactive behavior and provide guidance before a tragic incidents takes place.
More often than not, physical abuse is a result of excessive discipline or physical punishment that is unnecessary and is inappropriate for the child's age. The parent may simply be unaware of the magnitude of force with which he or she uses when striking a child. One of PWD curriculum's key points is teaching parents how to modify their approach to discipline, and how to instill a sense of responsible decision making in their kids which results in behavior improvement. The whole last lesson of Parenting with Dignity is dedicated to the Reasons that Punishment Does NOT Work!
Robyn Berndt of the Washington State Superior Court-Juvenile Court Division says, "... (Mac Bledsoe's) parenting curriculum is used in our schools, churches, detention centers, and even in private homes. It is one of the most valuable resources in my library here at Yakima County Juvenile Court. Our community owes a great deal of gratitude for the good work Mac has done and continues to do for our parents and young people."
Parenting With Dignity®, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, established in 1996 as a parent education organization that disseminates information on all aspects of raising children capable of making responsible decisions. Mr. Bledsoe and the Parenting With Dignity curriculum has been featured on ABC's 20/20 and Good Morning America television shows, and on numerous national and local radio and television programs.
We need your help to spread this message across America. As an individual you can help by donating just a few (tax-deductible) dollars to our effort via our donation page. If you represent a corporation or private business, you can sponsor selected activities and gain positive public relations.
Your tax-deductible contribution will make a monumental difference. Please consider becoming a partner in our efforts by donating to The Parenting With Dignity™ program.
Corporate donors who wish to sponsor an activity, please contact Mac Bledsoe at (406) 250-8651 for more information.
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